
Friday, September 26, 2014

I put the "tit" in "competition"

I've developed two new fun games I like to play when I'm out in straight society.

Well, actually three, but one of them is currently in development. I'll still tell you about it, but it takes a bit more involvement than the first two. 

The first game is played by listening to one side of a person's phone conversation and interpreting their half of the conversation in the most sexual way possible. It's especially helpful if you imagine that the person on the other end is being as disgustingly ribald as possible, so the person who's conversation your overhearing is really struggling to keep things rated G because they know you're within earshot. Simple things like, "Yes." "That works for me." "5 today." "Yes." can become incredibly interesting when you think about the other half of the exchange going something like this: "Did you remember not to wear panties today?" (Yes) "I'm going to fuck you until you pass out when you get home today." (That works for me.) "How many times have you jerked off thinking about me?" (5 today.) "You'll give yourself one more orgasm before you get home?" (Yes.)

The second game is called: Guess Who's Really on a Poly Date? This one can be played pretty much anywhere. You never really know if said people are actually on a poly date or not, but it's still fun just for the sake of conjecture. For example, any grouping of people with more than 3 individuals that aren't obviously a family might possibly be 3 adults on a poly date. Maybe it's a couple trying to woo a single. Maybe it's 3 singles all getting together for something freaky. The more people in the group, the more fun the game becomes. This one is a bit of me being excessively optimistic about how many nonmonogamous people there actually are in the world. Mostly the people I imagine on a poly date are actually work colleagues or neighbors or something else equally boring. It's still sort of an amusing game to play.

The third game Now-hubby and I are working on putting together. I call it Platitudes Bingo. The basic gist is I'm going to create a bingo card of the most commonly said things among straight people. For example, there will be squares devoted to "Stereotypes about the opposite gender," "Bragging about sexual exploits," "Remarks about how 'wasted' somebody was," "Sexual shaming," "That one guy who only speaks in Family Guy quotes," and "Did you see that thing on Facebook?" Then, whenever I get a Bingo I'm going to throw glitter all over the person. There was a part of me that wanted to make this a drinking game, but even my liver couldn't handle that amount of abuse.

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